Monday, April 4, 2011

Samoa for the Holidays

His new bathtub
Matini's first bath in Samoa in a paint bucket....he was sure loving it!

A giant gecko Eni caught at his parents was Matini's pet the time we were there and we named him Leonard cause he came out to play every night.
Sporting the goods :)


Mrs. B said...

Yea for a blog update! Love the pictures, girl! Your babe is growing up so fast!

Mark and Lachelle said...

Chels, I can't believe I haven't seen your pics from Samoa yet! What the hell?!
Love that Matini! (Love his cute little bum crack too!) And did you guys put a leash on the gecko??!

Kaitlin said...

oh my gosh. that gecko is the reason i have never been to samoa!